Keep and eye out, OP1 will be regularly updating this space with new updates, fixes, and general announcements!
Ensure that the hamburger menu button works when browser window is reduced in size - prior to this fix the hamburger menu was not correctly appearing.
Fixed issue where marking an Exit Update as read was not maintaining state after marking an update message as read. The messages now maintain their read status.
We released bug fixes for a few items including:
- Invalid Cell and Post URL's trying to be utilized - will now error and redirect to the main OpChan page
- Creating a cell and submitting a blank/empty OP number on Admin Invite no longer errors
- General Usability Updates
Re-added the current epoch information as a popup when clicking on or hovering over the Epoch progress bar on the main Operator Dashboard page.
We now properly show a message that you cannot create a Post until you are an active member of a Cell.
Previously you could attempt to create a Post but would receive an error.