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|""""""""""""""""<'_ THE EXIT GAME _'>""""""""""""""""""""""""|
| |
| The internet has become a surveillance machine, used for |
| oppression instead of freedom. |
| |
| We are recruiting Operators to be the founders of a new, |
| self-sovereign world in cyberspace. This game is built to |
| select those worthy of being the first to exit. Acquire an |
| Operator Ordinal and you will be set free. Holders will |
| be given every asset they need to operate this new |
| world's infrastructure. |
| |
| We encourage you to explore. Type [[;#01A6FF;]'help'] to see list |
| of available commands. |
|""""""""""""""""""""""<'_ THE QUIZ _'>"""""""""""""""""""""""|
| __ __ __ _, |
| \\ \\ / ___ '|| ___ ___ __ _ _ ___ |
| \\ /\\ / //_\) || // \)// \\ ||'||'|| //_\) |
| \/ \/ \\__,_||_\\__,\\_//_||_||_||_\\__, |
| |
| |
| Welcome to the crossroads of your destiny. |
| |
| |
| You are about to test your worthiness to Enter The Exit. |
| This is not to be taken lightly. To proceed, you must |
| answer the following questions. |
| |
| ╔════════════════════════════════════════════╗ |
| ║ Those who pass will be eligible to compete.║ |
| ╚════════════════════════════════════════════╝ |